Goodbye, 1st semester!
So it seems the time has flown by, because in a week I would have finished all my exams, and be on a plane back to the UK. So, WHERE has all the time gone?!

The answer is amongst the multitudes of midterms, assignments, sightseeing and new experiences (of course)! Some have been from the very significant (such as seeing a bear in the wild), to the smaller scale (such as trying mac n’ cheese for the first time). No matter what it was, it was greeted with open arms – which is definitely what a study abroad year should promote regardless!

However, all I know is that as much as I’ve loved it here for these few months, I’m ready to spend a couple of weeks with my loved ones. And as it is only a few weeks before Christmas, I am definitely allowed to be excited to share the holiday festivities with them!
So, to Canada: thank you for the cold, the nature, and the good and bad times I’ve had with being here thus far. I haven’t stopped learning since the moment I stepped foot in this place, both academically and non-academically (especially the latter). I will definitely go home for Christmas with many nuggets of knowledge, and even newer perspectives on the world itself. Hopefully it’s not too early to be going philosophical…
Will this notion of learning and experience continue next semester? I really do hope so!
Have a great week. x