Discovering Art in Lyon (LingoMap Vlog)

Hello everyone and welcome to my third LingoMap post. This time, I’ve decided to do a vlog even though I was quite nervous about it initially. You’ll notice that I feel more comfortable with myself as I speak šŸ™‚ I’m so glad I’ve done it because I think I’ve shown quite a few museums and important places. It’s very amateur but it’s going to be such a great memory for me to look back on!

The video includes two of my museum visits, a day in Vieux Lyon visiting the basilica and a traboule, and me briefly speaking about how my reading habits have changed in France. Enjoy!


Some French words and their translations that I used in the video:

Chouette (adj) familier Nice
PropriƩtaire (nmf) Owner
Peindre (v)

Peintre (nmf)

Peinture (nf)

To paint



Paysage (nm) Landscape
Suivre (v) To follow
Nature morte Still life
Plafond (nm) Ceiling
Vu que Given that
Quel que soitā€¦ Whatever it be
Vue (nf) View


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