Planning and relaxing
Hey, hope you’re all good.
This past week my PhD adventure has consisted of marking, planning and recovering.
I’ve had some reports sent my way to mark and give the feedback on so hopefully students can see where they’ve done well and where they need to focus to improve their grades. That took a few days, so it’s important to always have a plan made of what work you have to get through. What can be done when, what is flexible, what has set deadlines in the short and long term and how long things will take (It’s also hard to under and overestimate jobs too!). There is a lot of time management needed for every part of your uni life, just make sure you don’t take on too much and put your own degree at risk. By planning your week, you can save time and get much more done! Be it essays, revision (don’t leave these until the last 48 hours!), exercising or going out (It’s important to get the right balance here!)
The current experiment is still being built, Not long now, though. The time intensive bit has been done. I’m looking at that many faces, they’re starting to merge into one.
I finally managed to achieve one of my goals (smug mode: lost around 3 stone in 6 months and challenged myself to this!) and took part in an OCR and got what they call a few OCR kisses too. 10km around Margam park and it was amazing.

So much fun that I’ve planned to do another 3 before the end of the year! Speaking of which, I’m off for a run now! Until the next time 🙂