Final thoughts before studying abroad
First of all, apologies for being so off the radar! Been mainly packing and all that malarkey…
I’m going to treat this blog post as a reflection of my thoughts and feelings about going abroad before I fly off, as I feel it’s important to get out any overwhelming feelings out beforehand.
First and foremost, I am nervous.
Although going to Canada for the first time in forever (10 points for referencing) fills me with great joy and adventure, the travelling there (mainly the 10 hour flight) makes me anxious. Not only is this my first time travelling alone, but it is also my longest flight ever – as the only other flights I have been on were about 4-5 hours.
Of course, I know everything will be fine – but that should not mean that my nerves aren’t relevant. People often forget that travelling can be quite a scary concept, and with anxiety-related disorders this can feel multiplied and magnified to even the tiniest details (e.g. constantly checking where your passport is).
Thankfully, I’ve checked into a hotel nearby and looked around the airport to get familiar with it, and as a result most of my anxieties ave already gone away!

Secondly, I am ecstatic!
If you know me, you will know that I love a good trip – even if it’s a 20 minute train journey away. To have the chance to explore uncharted territory and being the first of my immediate family and friends to even go to Canada, it is a pivotal moment for me and my loved ones. I am lucky enough to have so many good luck wishes, presents and care from them, and I would be lost without that.
That’s it from me (talk about short and sweet) – I’m off in less than 24 hours and my next blog post will be soon after I settle in.
Wish me luck and keep me in your thoughts, it’s adventure time! x