Thinking about the future


Hello Everyone,

I hope you have all enjoyed the first part of Freshers week and are getting back or have had a good introduction to university life.

This post will be quite a short post about forward planning on careers or work. I know this may seem a long way off (particularly for first years), especially as the University year has just begun but it is definitely worth thinking about. This does not have to be a big life choice but I would suggest that you make the most of the events that Swansea University has to offer. The University often invites speakers from a number of industries to come and give talks to the students, this can be good for networking purposes but also just to make you think about what you would like to do once you graduate.

Also these talks do not just cover the topic of careers but also talk about things that can make you stand out from your peer in terms of interviewing well and what employers are looking out for.

Finally, I would also advice that you read through the weekly emails sent by Swansea University careers service. Like I said before, you do not necessarily have to decide on a career right now but it is good think about these things early and research. This may just be reading through articles, attending training workshops or presentations or making an appointment with the careers service, but it is worth doing small things now in preparation and to make you aware of the opportunities that are out there in whatever sector you may be thinking about building a career in.

Enjoy the second half of the Freshers welcome and I hope you also enjoy the rugby. Thanks for reading

Joanna Wolton

I am a PhD student in the Centre for Innovative Ageing within the College of Human and Health Sciences. I hope this blog is insightful and gives you some tips and information about what it is like to be a student living in Swansea.

Gadael Ymateb
