Saturday Reflection!

Well I have not blogged for a while! Been wondering where the time is going!

I have spent the week on placement and am having a ball! Been learning lots of things on all sides of provision of nursing care. I have also passed the startled rabbit phase and am now gaining confidence in answering questions with knowledge learnt, I am a human sponge it would seem!

Also this weekend will be spent procrastinating about writing my next assignment, I am going to spend as much time on it as I can, well we do have the Easter Holidays coming up too.

I regularly post my ramblings in two nursing groups on Facebook and this was todays ramble :-

Ok, a bit of reflection on a Saturday morning! Something we nurses do a lot of (just don’t ask me to write about it in the first person!!!)
This time two years ago (apart from all the other stuff that was going on!) I used to spend my weeks counting down the hours till Friday home time, beginning at 7am on a Monday!
If anyone had told me then, that in 2016 I would be at university and be doing something that I love & miss when I am not doing it, I would not have believed them!
If I was told now I had to sit behind a desk & computer for 7.5 hours a day again, I would be found running and screaming towards the hills

Gadael Ymateb
